Random Acts of Kindness
This morning was typical of so many mornings in the last while - we slept in 25 minutes too late and everyone's schedule is just a bit off. Coffee did not get made, hair-do's excaped the brush, and socks - well they only have to match if someone can see them!
So of course along with all that comes a shift in mood by all as well - a little on edge, a little assuming and arrogant - Cue guilt trip to husband who leaves the house 15 minutes prior to us.
So in my/our frenzy to get to daycare/work on time.. I decide today is the day that I just can’t go without coffee any longer – I AM TOO WEAK FOR LENT. So I will go to Tim Hortons.
To my delight there is only 1 car ahead of me.. a small, beautiful, successful without children & living in Vancouver kind of car. I admire – get to the window and she says.. “free today ma’am, the gentleman in front of you paid for your coffee!” Did he feel my sexy glare at his “bumper”? Nonetheless – these small, rare Random Acts of Kindness are really what makes a persons day – something un-expected, and lovely. So thanks to you Mr. Hot Vancouver convertible – you made my day!