Tuesday, December 20, 2005
We had Christmas with my mom and Dad on Sunday... it was so much fun - the kids had a great time..
the most favorite of all the presents was the scarfs that my mom knit for them..
aren't they sweet?
They also always love to spend time with Auntie Tracy....
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Last night was Oaksana's school Christmas concert - she was so cute, actually the whole school was. I really enjoyed teh Kindergardeners songs as they all seem so little. Oaksie was the "I" in Christmas and had to say "I is for icicles all cold & white".. she is really starting to come out of her shy little shell this year!
I am also posting a pic of each of the girls seperately, both of which were from last night.. hard to beleive that my girls are so big.
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Only in Vanderhoof was the name of this e-mail that I received from a co-worker. Aparently, this picture was taken last night at the Tim Horton's in Vanderhoof... lol - what's next... a barn dance???
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Good Morning *yawn* ---- sssttrreeeetttccchhh --- oh, that was tough. Let's see what can I tell you today? Not too much going on with me.. just at work, trying to motivate myself to do so. We are doing all of our final Christmas shopping this Saturday - I don't think that I have ever left things this late in all my life for Christmas! I am kinda worried that the stores are going to be sooo busy.
I also thought I'd better post a picture of our new poochy... OREO, the dog! She is such a sweetie.. and so nice of Collin to just throw his ciggie butts in my nice picture! Lol. Oreo is starting to get big, the girls just adore her and want her to play with them all the time, well unless she is jumping and getting excited but.. mostly.. Well back to work... have a wonderous day everyone!
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
fancy schmancy
Since the majority of my entire life is spent at the office, thought I'd share my space with everyone... this my new work desk... it's very nice, very executive. I really enjoy it.. and a big improvement from what I had before which was just one working space in front of me with no character at all. I am sure that Donovan will appreciate this desk with so much of his life spent at the office as well.
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Meow, meow, Puurrrrrr
Well our day was certainly a long and sad one.. Charlie the cat, who we just adopted earlier this year from the SPCA has died. He was so loved by all of us. We already have a cat "Jazzy" who will "allow us" to pet her about 1x a month... so when we saw Charlie at the SPCA we knew he was the cat for us. You could literally hear him PPUUUURRRR from miles away and he was always cuddling up & sleeping with us. The girls fell head over heels for him, Millie named him Chucky cheese ball Hague ! Sunday night he came inside and was in lots of pain - by Monday morning we realized that he had a blocked bladder which in english is about $1000 buckaroos at the vet. Yikes - we were trying to decide if that was feasible but... he worsn't fast and by that evening was gone. The girls took it pretty hard (so did mom - I was like Niagra falls with the damn tears) But once all had settled down, Oaksana came to me and said " I bet Charlie is God's favorite kitty!" How sweet - so that's how we are thinking of him now..
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As always, the girls are
wanting to be puppes, they love this game, especially since we bought a new dog kennel... it's great! They will literally stay in this sucker for hours. So of course all of our company wonders why it is that we have the kids penned up and the animals all roam free! Guess that's the life of a parent, always some form of crazy in an evening to deal with!
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Can this work, really?
Just taking the lead from Donovan & Vikci to try to keep everyone up to date with us.. we'll see if it works. If it does, this will be great - then I can save my wrist from hitting the send button on e-mails, very key to my health. And all y'all can check in when you want!
This photo is from Summer 2004, sadly I do think that it's the most recent family photo that we have. I hope that you will all keep checking in and seeing us!
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