.. more house pictures...
I posted some pics quite some time ago.. right when we were buying the place - mostly outside pictures, but now when I was taking some pics of the bathroom renos-- I got a few inside shots.
This is our entry - with new paint job (Grassland Green)..This is the kitchen/dining room area.. the main plan is to paint the walls Merlot and the cabinets will be white much like the bathroom ones. We are also replacing the range overhood fan and the countertop range. Eventually...
This is just looking the other way from the kitchen/dinning room area.. this is our table + our reading by the fire area..

Then the officey/workout/sewing/playing area... it's cluttered but it works.

There are certainly other areas of the house but pictures just don't do the rooms justice, they always look funny, so until I get some better shots.. this is it!!