Real Moms
Read Vicki's and thought I could come up with a few...
Real mom's spray paint their kids hair orange & pink (even if it stays in for weeks) to have the "Best Sleepover party" ever~
Read Vicki's and thought I could come up with a few...
Real mom's spray paint their kids hair orange & pink (even if it stays in for weeks) to have the "Best Sleepover party" ever~
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I think that I posted about this a long time ago, it's actually been built for over a year. It took some time to get the principal to talk to the right people at the school board, etc. but as of today my (well the school's) website is LIVE!! - Check it out! I had so much fun learning how to build it!
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It was a busy weekend around our house, I had Friday off, which was completely topped off with the fact that Millie had a Kindergarten day tooo - so it was all to myself~ ahhh, it was so nice. One would think that I would curl up with a book and drink tea all day but.. no - I tackled the "closet project" did 5 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, the house, etc. I met a friend for coffee, paid for some new playground equipment for the school. Oaksie went to a figure skating winter carnival & then a sleepover. Saturday I had a massage client but in the morning Collin painted in the kitchen again, then we just went to my sisters for a movie and some popcorn.
Oaksie also pulled another tooth. Sunday we hung outside, played in the yard, got out the trampoline, had a hotdog roast and burned some downed trees. Had some friends over for supper - it was great! It was a nice relaxing weekend!
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Just another update - down ten from the start of this eating thing and down 16.5 from last summer! YIPEE - I am so excited.
I still have a lot of hard work until I can have my hysterectomy but - I'm getting there!
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