Monday, April 30, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Life & etc.
Life always catches me by surprise - so busy, so great. I am still full underway preping and collecting for a Pub Steak Night / Silent Auction Fundraiser this Saturday. Should be a great time - I have 72 tickets sold and $3000.00 worth of stuff donated to be autctioned off. I really hope that all goes off without a hitch and that we can manage to raise lots of money for the kids.
Two weeks after that - I got a grass seeding contract with CANFOR which will earn us $2800.00 - whoo hoo, so we are turning it into a campout with the full day of grass seeding the day after - I am looking forward to that as well.
Collin is recovering nicely from his run in with the forklift and the pothole (long story, ending in 2 weeks of light duty & 7 stitches to the forehead, sore shoulders, and a wake up call). Collin has really not enjoyed working at P & T for the last few years, alot of mindless cynicism, negativity and of course - the 45 minute drive each way, each day. So he is eagerly looking for work here in Vanderhoof and trying to make a change. I applaud him, I want him closer to us and it would be great for him to find a little more enjoyment out of a job. So we wait with baited breath to hear from the 3 places he's applied so far and hope for the best.
Oaksie is just perking up from a cold, Millie's got it now, and they both had sore tummies this morning - let's hope they make it through the school day!
Last night I went to a .... ooh ... even typing it isn't easy.... well... a.... uh... OMG a Scrapbook class! There I said it - it's out there in the universe. My sister is well on her way to leading a cult of scrappers and has been trying to recruit me for years. I gave in as it was a Paper bag album class - which (albeit it's still scrapbooking) I love these little albums. Dawn Carpenter has a little scrapbook Cottage and holds classes all the time. So I have to say that I did enjoy myself and will maybe / possibly scrapbook again - I will not be taken easily, I will not go gently into that dark light.. .. :)
So all in all - we are well, reno's underway on the house, anticipating summer, loving life. Miss you all out there, xoxoxoxo!!
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Friday, April 13, 2007
My baby is 8 today
Well - Oaksana is 8 years old today. WOW - how fast the time goes. She is such a wonderful girl, so caring, such a good sister and daughter.
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