Parenting itself can so often feel like we've mis-placed a parenting for dummies handbook. It often leaves so many of us to wonder why on earth kids don't come with a manual.. why (not all days, but) somedays a person feels like they are failing their kids, that they perhaps don't have enough to give to really make a good impression on their kids, to really give it their all. Anyone who has kids, has at some point or another felt like this. I certainly have my share of days when they look at me with sad eyes and say "why are you always so busy, mom?".
I downloaded the last batch of pictures from my camera this week and an ear to ear smile crossed my face looking at these pictures of Millie. If anyone is familiar with Love Languages - her primary is QUALITY TIME 1,000,000 %. She doesn't need fancy stuff or presents or kisses or hugs even.. she just wants our time.
And this my friends.. is time - topped with sugar, flour, a mixer, getting to "crack her own eggs" and some butterscotch chips. Enough to fill her heart for another day.

So it really is just simple when you realize what it is that each child needs to F~E~E~L loved vs. what you are used to doing.... and give it to them. It really does go a long way!