T~N~E~M~N~R~E~V~O~G is so backwards
Okay so the new news is.... I do infact have my job! I know - it will take some explaining for this to all make sense! My management and the BCTS team had a conference call with me on my day off, talking about some options that may still be available to me. Because I had passed the interview proccess (though the other "lady" got higher points) my manager did some work at getting BCTS to direct award me a full time permanent position with them. So I said "yes" because I still knew it was an oppourtunity for full time work that I couldn't pass up. But they said... "WAit... that's not all..." and asked me if my preference was to stay in the position that I had been doing for the last 3 years.. of course because I know the job, etc my preference would be to stay there. And I asked.. but what about the other lady? They said that it was there preference that I choose to stay with them and she goes back to BCTS. What a nice compliment! So although this whole thing is completely backwards, what this means if that I do end up getting my regular full time job and will just result in a lateral transfer my first day. So I will accept a job with BCTS and she will accept my job and then on the first day we will just "switch" the paperwork. Man.. the government is backwards. So aparently my 2 weeks of emotional
H~Y~S~T~E~R~I~A were for nothing other than to cleanse my tear ducts and make sure that I still knew how to swear!
But.. all of this craziness has turned out to be for the best. I did get my job, and it has silently proven to the "smug "lady"" that it was managements preference to have me.. which feels nice that at least I know that even if she still things that she is Queen of the world!
Wow, congrats...I think? It's great you have your job but Really, the entire system is so screwed up. Is it over then? Do you have your job forever?
I guess some things happen to make us really wake up and appreciate the things we take for granted. It's great that you love your job, and now you will have the security togo with it. Yay!
Frickin Government.
Congrats Jenny!
Yeah, all the backwards bullshit and the putting me throught the ringer was for nothing. So now I have what I wanted in the first place, and yes it's a full time permanent job.. finally.
congratulations Jenny. I haven't had a chance to read your blog in a while so this is all news to me. I'm glad you got what you wanted even though it makes absolutely no sence.
Congratulations. That is so great, so happy for you.
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