Last night was extremely hard for us. Oma & Opa are currently on the road, moving to Abbotsford. Which in my head I know is a good thing for them. They need to get away from the snow and the ice and move to a warmer climate.. but too my heart, it just doesn't seem fair. We got together as a family (Mom/Dad, Tracy & the boys, Richard & us) and had a nice dinner out then had coffee and cake at Mom's house to celebrate mine & Dad's b-days and to say goodbye to Oma & Opa. I tell you, that was so hard. Maybe to most it would seem like nothing at all but.. they have been a part of my life the last 30 years.. and for the last 7 Collin has
really strengthened our relationship with them. I constantly get lost in how much I appreciate the time that he takes with them, he has gone over there so often to visit with them, help them, just to hang out. He constantly askes them over for dinner or tea or cookies or anything really. He has been a big part in bringing my Grandparents closer to my heart. * sniff ~ sniff * So anyway, last night the girls were just wickedly sad to have to say goodbye to them, at one point last week or so Millie was talking about people getting old and said, "I wish that Oma was new cause I sure like her!" I could hardly hold myself together enough to say the things that I wanted to say to Oma & Opa.. I think in the end I will have to write them a letter.
After we had gone home (and by the way - I cried all the way home, good thing Collin was driving!) we put the girls to bed and it was tough. I layed with Millie for quite some time as she cried saying Oma's name over and over.. wishing that she could "stay in Vanderhoof"! It was a rough night. So to all of you other Rempel family reading this.. if you have the chance to take care of them while you are now closer - PLEASE DO! They will need you, they love to be social, and most of all just need a friend. They are so wonderful if you just take the chance to let them into your hearts.