b~u~s~y WEEKEND
Well, well, Friday hmm.. not too much excitement for that day.. in fact, can't even remember what the heck happened! Saturday we did some stuff around the yard and had a really nice day just enjoying the sunshine and some family time.Saturday night, after a pit of proding and pulling (and a few tears) Oaksana lost her FIRST TOOTH! It was just dangling by a thread but aparently the thread was still tough.. so here she is... grining from ear to ear that at the ripe age of "almost 7" she's lost her first tooth! And this is the note that she left for the tooth fairy that night...
when she woke up the tooth fairy had written her a note that read " Oaksana, this was an especially shiny one so I gave you a bit extra!" And left a loonie! Oh.. the excitement around our house.. and then to top it all off.. MOMMY almost washed her first little tooth down the drain while I was doing dishes.. not cool. But we managed to save it and it is still in fine shape.
Okay now onto Sunday... Oaksie had her 7th Birthday Party! And what a cute party it was... she spend the morning with Tracy and they made all of the fixin's for a "puppy party"!
They made each kid a cool little dog collar, a "doggie bag" of treats and rice crispie squares shaped like dog bones.. it was too cute! And they all ran around barking like crazy! They jumped around on the trampoline, played a bit of soccer, pin the tail on the donkey, open presents,
ate cake, and watched a movie Barbie "MERMAIDIA". (Super cool movie) . She of course got spoiled and had a great time. The rest of the day we just tried to wind down and relax from all of the excitement. It was a great day and everyone had fun... even Collin and I!! Can't beleive that our baby is growing up so fast.. already seven and having so much fun and growing so much into herself! She continues to develop into such a wonderful, thoughtful, beautiful girl... *sigh*... why can't they stay babies forever????
Happy 7th Birthday Oaksana. Wow, time flies! Sounds like a fun birthday party and great weekend. We're going through the tooth thing right now, too. (A bit early I might add). Talk to you soon.
Happy Birthday Oaksana. We are also going through the tooth thing. Vayda has lost her two bottom teeth.
Oaksanas 7...holy smokes. Happy Birthday sweetie. The party looked like a lot of fun. your sister is so good at COOL party creations.
oops, i don't know why that said Olive?????anyways, it was me Sherie, as Olive cannot type yet.
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