Friday, September 22, 2006

I have been elected as PRESIDENT!!!

But only of my daughters' school PAC committee! Out of a potential of about 600 parents, we only have around 5-7 parents who are involved in the Parent Advisory. There are a core of 4 of us and the old president was stepping down this year, so I hummed and hawwed, and then accepted. I am actually quite excited about it - we are very deep into fundraising for the school to buy more playground equipment, and also to maintian a bank flow to offer hot lunches to the kids every Friday and hold Christmas concerts, etc. I also designed and built a website for the school over last year and some of this and it will finally be used this year. YIPEE! So when it finally get's posted to the server I will send you the link and you can see. It's very cool!


Fer said...

I cannot wait to see the web page Jenny!!!!!!


Ros said...

Sounds like fun. I'm sure it will keep you very busy!

Zoya said...

We have some new playground equipment coming from the fundraising last year and the focus this time around is library books. Good luck. What kind of fundraising activities are you doing?

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